There are 3 types of dining plans: Quick Service, Dining Plan, Deluxe Dining Plan. Let me explain further.
Quick Service PlanIncludes 2 quick service meals, 2 snacks, and 1 resort refillable mug. Example: If you are a group of 2 adults and 2 children for 5 nights you would receive 40 quick service meals, 40 snacks and 4 mugs. Adults are $31.99 per day; Children are $9.99 per day
Disney Dining Plan
Includes 1 table service, 1 quick service, and 1 snack. Example: If you are a group of 2 adults and 2 children for 5 nights you would receive 10 adult table service, 10 children table service, 20 quick service, and 20 snacks. Adults are $41.99/$46.99 per day; Children are $11.99/$12.99 per day (Depends on when you go)
Deluxe Dining Plan
Includes 3 meals (does not differentiate between table and quick service), 2 snacks and a resort mug. Example: If you are a group of 2 adults and 2 children for 5 nights you would receive 60 meals, 40 snacks, and 4 refillable mugs. Adults are $71.99 per day; Children are $20.99 per day
All plans pool all your meals to be used however you want. You will find your total remaining at the bottom of all your receipts. They will always take one meal per person for a table service but you don't have to use a meal for everyone at quick service.
For a family with younger children I think the dining plan is the best value. If you schedule your table service meals with characters than you can kill two birds with one stone. You get to eat and get your character time out of the way. The restaurants are very child friendly of course. You can usually stretch your snacks and quick service to do your breakfast and lunch.
It may seem like a lot of money at first but remember that you are going to be eating there anyway. You can scrimp by to purchase as little as possible but you will probably not save anything from the dining plan. If you purchase a plan then the only extra expenses will be tips. You can pay ahead and then while your on vacation order whatever you want and enjoy. You will go home with out a huge food bill. Better on the budget too because you can plan your cost going in.
Please post a comment with any great deals you got while on the meal plan.
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